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Von der Leyens zweite Kommission startet holpriger als erwartet
Luxemburger Wort
Christophe Hansen, offiziell noch EU-Parlamentarier für die CSV, wollte ursprünglich am Mittwoch nicht an der Abstimmung teilnehmen.
5 days ago
Prince Félix and Claire speak to wort.lu before their upcoming wedding
Luxembourg Times
Prince Félix and Claire speak to wort.lu before their upcoming wedding. Prince Félix and Claire Lademacher will get married in just a few days.
134 months ago
Asylum seekers report on asylum stories for Wort.lu/en
Luxembourg Times
Starting on Wednesday, Wort.lu/en will take a different approach to reporting on the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in Luxembourg,...
109 months ago
Der Architekt Rob Krier ist gestorben
Luxemburger Wort
Die Ideen und Entwürfe des Luxemburger Stadtplaners, Architekten und Bildhauers findet man weltweit, von Luxemburg bis Guatemala.
12 months ago
Launch party celebrates Wort's new Blogosphere feature
Luxembourg Times
Wort.lu's latest feature, the Blogosphere section of the website is now live and celebratory event attended by many local bloggers was held at Luxemburger Wort...
117 months ago
After-RAF: wort.lu interview with Lostprophets
Luxembourg Times
It is safe to say that, despite the rain, Lostprophets definitely did not feel under the weather at Rock-A-Field 2012.
149 months ago
Table Manners - wort.lu/en's comic strip
Luxembourg Times
Table Manners by Brendan Hayes & Dan Franch - wort.lu/en's comic strip about an expat family moving to and living in Luxembourg.
127 months ago
After-RAF: wort.lu interview with Rival Sons
Luxembourg Times
In our final round of After-RAF interviews, frontman Jay Buchanan told wort.lu that an upcoming album, to be released this fall, could mean an imminent return...
149 months ago
Test new Grund outdoor gym today & feature in wort.lu video!
Luxembourg Times
If you would like to feature in Wort.lu/en's video this Thursday, we'll be waiting for you at the new outdoor gym in the Grund.
128 months ago
Asselborn irritiert über Brüsseler Pläne gegen Palästina
Luxemburger Wort
Die EU-Kommission will Gelder Richtung Palästina einfrieren - Außenminister Jean Asselborn kritisiert die hastige Entscheidung.
13 months ago