In seiner hochgelobten Biographie versucht Stephen Greenblatt mit detektivischem Scharfsinn, die Lücken dieser Lebensgeschichte zu füllen und hinter das Geheimnis zu kommen, wie aus einem talentierten Jungen aus einer englischen ...
... in author's Love's Labour's Lost : " a quick venew of wit . " Again , in Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster : - " thou wouldst be loth to play half a dozen venies at Wasters with a good fellow for a broken head . " Again , in The Two Maids ...
William Shakespeare Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. " Heaven ! lay not my transgression to my charge , That art the ... in author- ity ; and it would seem to have been Shakespeare's in- tention to make that person Hubert de Burgh , who ...
... by 'Apemantus, Thersites, Falstaff, Launce, the gravediggers, the simple countrymen, the nurse, the clowns, and fools' (244), but also by Hamlet. In Author's Pen and Actor's Voice, Weimann sets two contending sources of authority, the text ...
Interpretation of His Principal Characters and Plays on the Principle of Races William Shakespeare. brought ... in author , which opposed its noble " Institutes " to the disorders of the " Conscience , " and was adopted through ...
With His Life William Shakespeare Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. Heaven ! lay not my transgression to my charge , That ... in author- ity ; and it would seem to have been Shakespeare's in- tention to make that person Hubert de Burgh ...
... William Shakespeare Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. " Heaven ! lay not my transgression to my charge , That art the issue ... in author- ity ; and it would seem to have been Shakespeare's in- tention to make that person Hubert de Burgh ...
... of the of Corpus Christi College , Oxon , of 1558 , who accomplished ... Shakespeare's Boase's Register of University of Oxford , ' education Thomas ... in author's ' Life of William Shakespeare , ' which the tenure of Mr. W. R. ...