... William Gifford , Esq . with Notes and Illustra- tions . 4to . pp . 486 , and lxxvii . price 6.1 . 11s . 6d . London ... in author of the BAVIAD , poured forth his indignation againft the frivolity of the Della Crufca school ...
William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith ... in author and in reader ; but when their meaning comes to be examined by patient study , it melts away like a ...
... William Stokes , Sir Thomas Watson ( 2 ) , Sir William MacCormac , Péau ... Gifford , J. G. Lockhart , J. C. Hobhouse , Henry Hallam , & c . 384 ... in Author's handwriting covering 460 pages , 3 vols , 4to paper covers , £ 1 1s ...
... William Cooper and Mary ( Dean ) Howells ; sister of William Dean Howells ... ( Gifford ) Gray ; ed . Iowa State Univ . '96 , Springdale Sem . '90 ; m . Nov ... University Club , N.Y. City . Interested in farming and greenhouse ...
... Gifford , Thomas Campbell , & c . 2 vols . 12mo . GEO . F. COOLEDGE & BROTHER , PUBLISHERS , NEW YORK . THE ... William Cutter . With illustra- tions . 1 vol . 12mo . INCIDENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY . Compiled from authentic sources ...
Lewis Randolph Hamersly, John William Leonard, William Frederick Mohr ... in Author : Fox's Mission to Russia , literary work . 1873 ; History of the War for the Union , 1881. Asso . editor Appleton's Am . Cyclopædia ... GIFFORD. 125.
... GIFFORD . I should have to agree to that . Mr. CRAWFORD . Last year we started out on the same basis . I watched it ... in author- ity ? " The silly dollar sign . " You heard that from the White House . It seems necessary that we ...
... William street , City . 13 Great Marlborough street , Jan. 20 . MR COLBURN'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . 1 . of GEORGE with ... Gifford , 104 Strand ; J. Sanger , 150 , and Hannay and Co. 63 Oxford street ; Bateman , Castle street ...
... in author- ity to use their influence and their power to prevent the further manufacture , sale , and transportation of beverage alcohol and in behalf of the bill introduced by Senator CAPPER to curtail mass propa- ganda for alcoholic ...
... Gifford , Crabbe , Sir Walter Scott , Lockhart , & c . JOHN MURRAY , Albemarle - street . 1 1 - ا TE 1 A New Volume ... William Crookes ) will contain verbatim REPORTS of these Lectures , copiously illustrated with Engravings ...