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inauthor: William Gifford von
... William Gifford , Esq . with Notes and Illustra- tions . 4to . pp . 486 , and lxxvii . price 6.1 . 11s . 6d . London ... in author of the BAVIAD , poured forth his indignation againft the frivolity of the Della Crufca school ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith ... in author and in reader ; but when their meaning comes to be examined by patient study , it melts away like a ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
... William Stokes , Sir Thomas Watson ( 2 ) , Sir William MacCormac , Péau ... Gifford , J. G. Lockhart , J. C. Hobhouse , Henry Hallam , & c . 384 ... in Author's handwriting covering 460 pages , 3 vols , 4to paper covers , £ 1 1s ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
... William Cooper and Mary ( Dean ) Howells ; sister of William Dean Howells ... ( Gifford ) Gray ; ed . Iowa State Univ . '96 , Springdale Sem . '90 ; m . Nov ... University Club , N.Y. City . Interested in farming and greenhouse ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
... Gifford , Thomas Campbell , & c . 2 vols . 12mo . GEO . F. COOLEDGE & BROTHER , PUBLISHERS , NEW YORK . THE ... William Cutter . With illustra- tions . 1 vol . 12mo . INCIDENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY . Compiled from authentic sources ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
Lewis Randolph Hamersly, John William Leonard, William Frederick Mohr ... in Author : Fox's Mission to Russia , literary work . 1873 ; History of the War for the Union , 1881. Asso . editor Appleton's Am . Cyclopædia ... GIFFORD. 125.
inauthor: William Gifford von
... GIFFORD . I should have to agree to that . Mr. CRAWFORD . Last year we started out on the same basis . I watched it ... in author- ity ? " The silly dollar sign . " You heard that from the White House . It seems necessary that we ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
... William street , City . 13 Great Marlborough street , Jan. 20 . MR COLBURN'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . 1 . of GEORGE with ... Gifford , 104 Strand ; J. Sanger , 150 , and Hannay and Co. 63 Oxford street ; Bateman , Castle street ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
... in author- ity to use their influence and their power to prevent the further manufacture , sale , and transportation of beverage alcohol and in behalf of the bill introduced by Senator CAPPER to curtail mass propa- ganda for alcoholic ...
inauthor: William Gifford von
... Gifford , Crabbe , Sir Walter Scott , Lockhart , & c . JOHN MURRAY , Albemarle - street . 1 1 - ا TE 1 A New Volume ... William Crookes ) will contain verbatim REPORTS of these Lectures , copiously illustrated with Engravings ...