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inauthor: Noah Webster von
Abridged from Webster's New International Dictionary Noah Webster. 286 āle , senate , câre , ăm , account , ärm , ask ... in : author- ess , a female author ; huntress , a female hunter ; lioness , a female lion . essay ( ěs'ā ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
Based on the International Dictionary of 1890 and 1900 Noah Webster. N O over - mas'ter ( -más ter ; cf. MASTER ) , v ... in author- ity over others ; a chief ; usually , an overseer or boss . 2. An arbiter . 3. In the philosophy of ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
Abridged from Webster's New International Dictionary Noah Webster. SUPPRESSION 685 sup - pres'sion ( su - prěsh'un ) ... in author- Hence : a Dominant ; overruling . b Hold- ity or power . ing or pert . to the highest rank . 2 ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
Abridged from Webster's New International Dictionary, 900 Illustrations Noah Webster. WHOLESALE - 661 whole'sale ... in author- ity . Hence , a request , command , or decree . 3. Power coupled with desire or intention ; as , a man ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
Abridged from the American Dictionary of Noah Webster Noah Webster. ness . VER'TI - GO or VER - TIGO , n .; pl . VER ... in author- ity , as a vice - president . VICE , n . A fault or defect ; what is morally wrong : wickedness ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
... in author Willard's opinion , could be found in the Bible . All subject matter , in the New Eng- land way , was ... Noah Webster . In 1783 he published the first of his famous “ blue - backed spellers , ” which persisted as a ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
... Noah Webster. the preceding reflections are just . " Such is the language of the late President Smith . * Here the ... in author ? and how can such sentences be translated into school to learn a language which we dare not introduce ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
... " This proves how little dependence can be placed on theory Twelve years experience , or four elections demonstrates the contrary . " - Note in author's copy.-P. L. F. ] / An / Address / to the / People / of EXAMINATION BY NOAH WEBSTER .
inauthor: Noah Webster von
... Noah Webster defined it as “the removal of a person to heaven without subjecting him to death” in his 1828 American ... in author's possession. 90 EPB, 38, 40, 65, 78, 83, 85, 89, 90, 95, 96, 111, 123, 139, 177. 91 JSPD4, 277. 92 ...
inauthor: Noah Webster von
... Noah Webster , The Revolution in France , Considered in Respect to Its Prospects and Effects ( New York , 1794 ) ... in author's possession . * 66. Adams to Benjamin Rush , September 9 , 1806 , in The Spur of Fame : Dialogues of John ...