The adventures of John Dough, the human-sized gingerbread man brought to life by an Arab elixir, and Chick, the world's first incubator baby, as they travel from the Island of Phreex to the kingdom of Hilo.
... dough , the firms re- sponded as follows : Method Straight dough ... Sponge and dough .. Continuous mix ... No answer . ... .. No. of firms 23 2 1 26 Total .. Although no firms used continuous mix , research by the American Institute of ...
... dough with water , to which is added a little leaven ( or dough which has been fermented ) or yeast . 1056. Q. What effect has the yeast on the dough ? A. It assists in the fermentation of the dough , by which means , carbonic acid ...
... dough dough to the last - mentioned dough - rolling means from the first- placed upon an apron a suitable distance from the place of delivery mentioned dough - rolling means ; means for loosening the dough rela- of dough from the ...
... dough , and rotating means adjacent to such sheeting or flattening means arranged to remove any dough which may stick to the said sheet- ing or flattening means and prevent it being carried around thereby , sub- stantially as set ...