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I Speak of the City is the most extensive collection of poems ever assembled about New York.
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Young readers find their poetic peers as poets in their 20s and 30s present a poetry anthology dedicated to what it means to be a teenager and young adult in today's world. 240pp.
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Poem Central is divided into three main parts-;weaving poetry into our lives and our classrooms, reading poems, and writing poems. McPhillipshas structured the book in short sections that are easy to read and dip into.
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Listening followings Jakarta as the seconds step in a projected trilogy: Self-knowledge is more at issue than self-alienation; art perhaps overshadows politics; Rilke is more the poem's guide than pound.
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Emeralds of life are contained and held in this book, pearls of artful wisdom spoken through the words of a poet who shares them gladly!
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These are poems about eating and kissing and having too many feelings, about being outside and inside and loving someone so much you think you might die.
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In How Poems Get Made, acclaimed poet and critic James Longenbach answers this question by discussing a wide range of exemplary poems, from Shakespeare through Blake, Dickinson, and Moore, to a variety of poets making poems today.
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In this strong, appealing collection, Nancy Willard shares her passion for observing the mysteries of the natural world, particularly the flora and fauna of Cape Cod and the Hudson Valley, where many of these poems are set.
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Republication of a selection of 39 poems reprinted from The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth: Student's Cambridge Edition, published by the Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston (The Riverside Press, Cambridge), 1904.
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In the sonically rich, formally restless poems of this debut collection, Song & Error, the thread that unravels all we think we know of the world is plucked loose and drawn from a seal's beached corpse.