The remainder of the book applies this theological position to recent scientific developments: theories of the origin of the universe; quantum mechanics, or the physics of the very small; the debate about miracles; and neuroscientific ...
After a general introduction to the breadth of Clayton’s writing, the book is divided into six main sections: 1) Science & Religion; 2) Science, Faith, & God; 3) Panentheistic Reflections on Science & Theology; 4) Science & Emergence; 5) ...
Challenging these stereotypes through a careful study of major philosophical texts written since the Enlightenment, Philip Clayton shows how the main thinkers of the modern period have continued to wrestle with the problem of God and to ...
In Adventures in the Spirit, respected and influential theologian Philip Clayton argues that two major intellectual movements of our day-panentheism and emergence-are converging and that together they offer exciting new vistas for ...
Guthrie's work on the Pastoral Epistles is part of the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, a popular series designed to help the general Bible reader understand clearly what the text actually says and what it means without depending unduly ...
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