The brief readings and meditations in this small book offer a bridge between a busy day and a moment of restorative and blessed silence. "The original edition emphasized thankfulness, and this revision emphasizes loving-kindness.
In this unique prayer book John McQuiston, bestselling author of Always We Begin Again, provides morning and evening devotions for two weeks, plus complete Morning and Evening Prayer services, along with a Service of Commemoration for Our ...
Our obsession with "what to believe" misses the primary message of the Bible, says McQuiston, who illustrates that the paramount message of Jesus, and even the Hebrew Scriptures, is not about what stories to believe, but how to live.
This collection of real-life examples offers refreshing stories of everyday spiritual practices people use to free themselves from the work and worry mindset of our culture.
These real-life examples and refreshing stories of everyday spiritual practices people use to free themselves from the work and worry mindset of our culture will empower you to see how even your busiest workweek can include spiritual habits ...
This little book will transform lives - especially those beginning recovery, struggling with a sense of entitlement, or in the early stages of discovering a contemplative life.
In McQuiston's new book the bestselling author of "Always We Begin Again" collects inspired and inspiring prose and poetry from many of the brilliant men and women who have tried to translate the inexpressible.
This collection of real-life examples offers refreshing stories of everyday spiritual practices people use to free themselves from the work and worry mindset of our culture.