Mar 16, 2023 · Chlorella is a type of algae that packs a big nutrient punch, as it's a good source of several vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
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Chlorella is a genus of about thirteen species of single-celled green algae of the division Chlorophyta. The cells are spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 μm in diameter, and are without flagella. Their chloroplasts contain the green photosynthetic... Wikipedia
Shelf life: 3 years
Clade: Viridiplantae
Class: Trebouxiophyceae
Division: Chlorophyta
Family: Chlorellaceae
Genus: Chlorella; M.Beijerinck, 1890
Lower classifications
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Who should avoid chlorella?
What does chlorella remove from the body?
Is it safe to take chlorella every day?
What disease does chlorella cause?
Klorela jača imunitet te ublažava upalne procese u organizmu, smanjuje kolesterol i sprečava bolesti krvnih žila.
Klorela Duro. Cattolica Assicurazioni · Klorela Veliu. Studied at Universiteti i Mjekesise Tirane · Klorela Dhonato. -- · Klorela Vathi. -- · KLORELA GERBI. Teacher ...
Klorela / chlorella je vrste enocelične zelene alge, ki velja za najstarejšo znano hrano na svetu in raste v vodi, ki je polna organskih snovi. Ima zelo bogato ...
Products tagged with 'klorela ' ; Aller Nutra compressed, 30 compressed. 15.22 € ; Chlorella Yaeyama, 100, 200 or 400 tablets. From 13.65 € ; TerraNova Spirulina ...
Klorela Veliu · Studied Mjekėsi e Pėrgjithshme at Universiteti i Mjekesise, Tirane - UMT · See more about Klorela.
Klorela je jednostanična slatkovodna alga koja je na našem planetu prisutna već više od dvije i pol milijarde godina, što je uvrštava među najstarije oblike ...
Feb 24, 2023 · Chlorella je veoma kvalitetan izvor aminokiselina, magnezija, željeza i minerala. Sadrži sve B-vitamine, C-vitamin, E-vitamin i beta-karoten, a ...
€23.60 In stock
Chlorella je rod enoceličnih zelenih alg, ki pripadajo deblu Chlorophyta. Je okrogle oblike in je brez bičkov. Zaradi klorofila ima Chlorella izrazito svojo ...