This rubik's cube solving website will show you how to solve any valid scramble with an easy to follow step-by-step solution.
(2,283) · Free · iOS
Solve your Cube with the world's most powerful app! Cube Solver empowers you with clear, step-by-step instructions to solve 16 cube sizes with ease.
The online Rubik's Cube™ solver calculates the steps needed to solve a scrambled Rubik's Cube from any valid starting position. Enter the colors of your puzzle ...
(23,697) · Free · Android
Jun 15, 2024 · Let our Auto Solve feature do the work for you! Simply input the colors of your cube, hit the solve button, and watch as the app magically ...
Online Rubik's Cube, 4x4x4 and other NxNxN cube solver and simulator. Set up a scramble to find the rotations leading to the solution.
Jul 18, 2023 · Solve the virtual Rubik's Cube with our interactive interface and track your times using our built-in timer. Challenge your friends or beat your ...
Play with the Rubik's Cube simulator, calculate the solution with the online solver, learn the easiest solution and measure your times.
(1,217,142) · Free · Android
Just describe your puzzle to get the 3D solution : - Pocket Cube, Mirror Cube 2x2 and Tower Cube : this app can solve the cube in 14 moves or less !
Automatic puzzle Scrambler solver connected smart phone, only compatible with GAN Smart Cube, newest version.
So far we have solved two bottom layers and only the yellow face is left. In this fourth stage of our Rubik's tutorial we want to form a yellow cross.