of or relating to or characteristic of the grand duchy of Luxemburg or its people. adjective. of or relating to the capital city of Luxemburg.
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Luxembourgish is a West Germanic language that is spoken mainly in Luxembourg. About 300,000 people speak Luxembourgish worldwide. Luxembourgish.
Luxembourger definition: a native or inhabitant of Luxembourg. . See examples of LUXEMBOURGER used in a sentence.
Luxembourgish English Dictionary Online Translation, Language, Grammar. ... • Luxemburger Wörterbuch: Luxembourgish-German dictionary (1950-1970).
Aug 22, 2024 · Luxembourgish is a Moselle-Franconian dialect, which was a mainly spoken language up to the 19th century and became the national language in 1984.
7 days ago · Luxembourg meaning: 1. a country in western Europe 2. belonging to or relating to Luxembourg or its people. 3. a…. Learn more.
luxemburger c (singular definite luxemburgeren, plural indefinite luxemburgere). Luxembourger (a person from Luxembourg) ...
noun A citizen of Luxemburg. Wiktionary Synonyms: Other Word Forms of Luxemburger Noun Singular: luxemburger Plural: luxemburgers
Luxembourg definition: a grand duchy surrounded by Germany, France, and Belgium. 999 sq. mi. (2585 sq. km).. See examples of LUXEMBOURG used in a sentence.
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