Marrubium vulgare is a flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae), native to Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern and central Asia.
It has naturalized in much of Canada, North and South America. It spreads slowly and at maturity (in 2 to 5 years), it can reach a height of 2 feet with an ...
Jun 24, 2020 · As a good antioxidant agent, M. vulgare proved to be very useful in treatments of cancer, diabetes mellitus, and liver diseases. In addition, ...
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Marrubium vulgare is a flowering plant in the mint family, native to Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern and central Asia. Specifically, it emerged in the region between the Mediterranean Sea and Central Asia and now inhabits all continents.... Wikipedia
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Marrubium vulgare (white horehound) is a perennial shrub/forb/herb (family Lamiaceae). This plant is found heavily populating disturbed places throughout ...
Marrubium vulgare is a perennial herb that is not native to California. Cal ... [Cal-IPC] Impact on native species: Marrubium vulgare (white horehound) ...
Jun 14, 2024 · Marrubium vulgare (Lamiaceae) is a plant which has long been known and used in traditional medicine for various purposes.
Marrubium vulgare (white horehound or common horehound) is a flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae), native to Europe, northern Africa, ...
White horehound is native to Europe, Asia and northern Africa, and is a widely-used medicinal herb and tonic that is often used to treat coughs, colds and ...
The plant is rich in phytoestrogenic compounds such as mirosterol and deoxymirosterol which are used in skincare anti-ageing formulation. The isoflavonoids, ...
It may have mild anti-inflammatory effects and has been used to ease mild inflammation. Marrubium vulgare is customarily a considerable footing for the ...