schnuddelhong from
... schnuddelhong 246 . schnarrente 427 . schnuddeli - roude - rack 246 . schnarrer 60 . schôdâsch 241 . schnarrezer 60 . schnarrhuhn 296 . schnarrwach ( tel ) 296 . schnartz mhd . 296 . schofiitl 318 . scholaster 196 . schollenhoppler 92 ...
schnuddelhong from
... schnuddelhong 246 . schnarrente 427 . schnuddeli - roude - rack 246 . schnarrer 60 . schôdâsch 241 . schnarrezer 60 . schnarrhuhn 296 . schnarrwach ( tel ) 296 . schnartz mhd . 296 . schofiitl 318 . scholaster 196 . schollenhoppler 92 ...
schnuddelhong from
... Schnuddelhong – which literally means ' snot - hen ' . ... And on that note , it's time to move on Soon , we'll be heading to Greece , but before that , let's take a brief tour of some Mediterranean islands . NICOSIA , CYPRUS copper S ...
schnuddelhong from
... schnuddelhong 246 . schnuddeli - roude - rack | schulver mnd . 394 , 395 . ( weiss ) schneeka ( t ) ter ( le ) | sc ( h ) re ( c ) k ( e ) 295 , 296 . schneevogel 64 , 108 , 124 , | schrî ( c ) k mnd . nnd . 64 , schwarzfüess 290 ...
schnuddelhong from
... schnuddelhong. ruktfeissert 259 . ruoch ( en ) 184 , 445 . rådeline mhd . 40 . růggelen 445 . ruoh ahd . 185 , 343 . ruohc ahd . 445 . růsgen 435 . russvogel 45 . rutelwîe 343 . rüttelfalke 343 . rüttelgeier 342 . rüttelweih 342 . ry ( e ) ...
schnuddelhong from
... Schnuddelhong – which literally means ' snot - hen ' . ... And on that note , it's time to move on Soon , we'll be heading to Greece , but before that , let's take a brief tour of some Mediterranean islands . NICOSIA , CYPRUS copper S ...
schnuddelhong from
... Schnuddelhong Dinde aux marrons Träipen Boudin noir Wellschwäin Marcassin Quetscheflued Tarte aux quetsches Ausdrücke rund ums Essen déck sat sinn glott goureg hongereg wéi d'Sau Zerweit Jatt Miesmuscheln Ochsenbeinscheibe nach Jägerart ...
schnuddelhong from
... Schnuddelhong, means “snot-hen.” ______ The Turkish word for “turkey,” hindi, means “Indian.” The Portuguese word for “turkey” is peru. The Malay word for “turkey,” ayam belanda, means “Dutch chicken.” The full origin of the name turkey ...
schnuddelhong from
... Schnuddelhong, means “snot-hen.” ______ The Turkish word for “turkey,” hindi, means “Indian.” The Portuguese word for “turkey” is peru. The Malay word for “turkey,” ayam belanda, means “Dutch chicken.” The full origin of the name turkey ...
schnuddelhong from
Hugo Suolahti. schnarr ( e ) 60 , 164 , 296. schnuddelhong 246 . schrî ( c ) k mnd . nnd . 64 , schwarzfüess 290 . ( s ) pierswålken 21 , 22 . spiessente 431. schmyhe 433 . schnerre ( r ) 60 . schnäderent 423 . schner ( t ) z 296 ...