While the central focus of this volume is Germany, the implications go beyond the German-Jewish experience and relate to some of the broader challenges facing modern societies today.
Based on all empirical survey data available up to now, this volume offers a thorough comparative analysis of anti-Semitism in Germany, and in particular its resurgence with the rise of right-wing extremism since unification.
This book analyses the film industries and cinema cultures of Nazi-occupied countries (1939-1945) from the point of view of individuals: local captains of industry, cinema managers, those working for film studios and officials authorized to ...
... Judd beim Focken [ feilschen ] z'iwwerschnëssen [ ... ] “ . 66 94 Revisionistische Theorien stießen in Luxemburg ... antisemitische Inhalte ( Begriffe , Redensarten , Sprichwörter ) die auf die Physiognomie , die Religion oder die ...
Deborah Dash Moore, Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of History and Judaic Studies, and Director Emerita of the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan A century from now and more, the stately volumes of the American ...
... Jud Süß - Filmes im Soldatenkino Luxemburg " auch bei jenen deut- schen Männern , die hinausgezogen sind , den jüdisch - plutokratischen Kriegshetzern die richtige Antwort zu erteilen " . ( 262 ) Der Bericht brachte beiläufig ein bisher ...