This beloved illustrated classic tells the tale of Archy, a philosophical cockroach, and Mehitabel, a cat in her ninth life. Generations of readers have delighted in the work of the great American humorist Don Marquis.
This state-of-the-art volume provides an interdisciplinary overview of current topics and research foci in the areas of linguistic diversity and migration-induced multilingualism and aims to lay the foundations for interdisciplinary work ...
The World's Major Languages features over 50 of the world's languages and language families. This revised edition includes updated bibliographies for each chapter and up-to-date census figures.
... op Äerm an op Been / op Aarm an op Been / op Hänn a Féiss goen / lafen „ auf ... Deutsch . Die erhöhte Variation im Numerusgebrauch betrachten H. Burger ... Katze ( n ) und Hund ( e ) / wie Hund ( e ) und Katze ( n ) " 29 30 dt ...