jhangel from
... J. H. Angel , employer , and Standard Accident Co. No. 836 . HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY vs. Industrial Commission of Utah . 288 Pac . 753. August 25 , 1924 . Employer's foreman knew of accident when it occurred to applicant ...
jhangel from
... Jhangel . Cotton jhangel is put on during the hot weather , or when one goes to one's relations or to markets . While working in the fields , the jhangel is removed , and instead a small knicker or loincloth is used . ( c ) Other ...
jhangel from
... J. H. Angel . No. 836 Smalley , Albert C. , dec . vs. Peery City . No. 287 ..... Smith , Henry Chas . dec . , vs. Peery Estate . No. 2760 Smith , Wendell L. vs. Amalgamat- ed Sugar Co. No. 2143 Snow , Rosamond , vs. Escalante ...
jhangel from
... J.H. Angel and R. Mailly DOI : 10.4324 / 9781003502203-11 INTRODUCTION : THE GENERAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK The most striking feature of British labour law by comparison with that of the USA and Canada is the degree of autonomy it leaves to ...
jhangel from
... J. H. Angel , whose regular busi- ness was that of general contractor ; that as a result of said injury he suffered amputation of his right arm between the elbow and wrist ; that as a result of said injury the applicant was temporarily ...
jhangel from
... J. H. Angel 149 00 1 43 28540 do Mo .do 28541 West Plains to Mountain Home . Mo William Renfrow 400 00 1 92 28542 West Plains to Gainesville . Mo J. H. Angel 172 00 1 65 29301 Van Buren to Boonsborough . Ark 29301 .do Ark George L ...
jhangel from
... J. H. Angel , employer , and the Standard Accident Insurance Company , in- surance carrier . The Industrial Commission awarded compensation , and the employer and the insurance carrier bring certiorari . Award vacated and set aside ...
jhangel from
... J. H. Angel , $ 2 , - 250.00 ; W. B. Black , $ 2,193.00 ; Wallace & Baxter , $ 2,250.00 ; C. I. Anderson , $ 2,497.00 ; J. F. & H. E. Schraven , $ 2,952.00 ; W. B. Ward , $ 2,196.00 . The bid of W. B. Black of $ 2,193.00 was the low bid ...
jhangel from
... channel from Aran- sas Pass to this city . The plans call for the deepening of the channel to twelve feet and widening it to 100 feet . The NEWCASTLE , TEX . - The stores of Aycock &. the state prison has been awarded to E. D. Hannan ...
jhangel from
... Chemotherapy Six Months One Year Two Years Three Years 6/12/24 Month 62 % 14 % 0 % 1/2/3 Year 22 % 4 % 3 % It will be seen that in the smaller section of 25 25 Short-Course Chemotherapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis • J H Angel.