This book offers full information, including sections on: *children's ideas about how to learn languages *the current situation of MFL in the UK, Europe and elsewhere *research into second language acquisition (e.g. behaviourist, cognitive ...
This e-book (on CD-rom) and the accompanying handbook attack many of the most crucial difficulties encountered by both native and non-native English speakers when translating scientific and engineering material from German.The e-book is ...
This third edition brings the course up to date, referencing relevant research sources in Translation Studies and technological developments as appropriate, and balancing the coverage of subject matter with examples and varied exercises in ...
The book will also appeal to a wide range of languages students and tutors through the general discussion of principles, purposes and practice of translation.
Dieser interdisziplinäre Open Access-Band beschäftigt sich mit den vielfältigen Konzepten und Methoden des Übersetzens als zentraler und ubiquitärer Kulturtechnik der Frühen Neuzeit (1450–1800).
This is a comprehensive practical course in translation for advanced students of German, which focuses on improving translation quality whilst clarifying the theoretical issues involved.
This work presents an in-depth analysis of text- and speaker-based meaning of non-canonical word order in English and ways to preserve this in English-German translation.