Did you mean: echo weed
ech wees from
... ech wees et nët . قة G : No , Jean will stay with " Arthur " ( book ) . Yes , but , I don't know . I don't think I have a 6th level this year . ( L ) Ech mengen ech hu kéng 6e dëst Joer . D : ( L ) Den Arthur as en Nucki . S : D : M ...
ech wees from
... ech ka witxiy ich juun . Ne'ech taam kin apna ' chaaboox i persoona ne'ech ka tajan an jool xoo'n ti ne'ech ka jolin ... wees ne'ech juniil ka wathiyat k'aal an laptatx ja ' . 14 Ka ok'iyat ich an rosaariu , an oolaap , naa ' ti ...
ech wees from
... Ech wees och net wéi schwéier deen [ den Test ] ass , mä ech mengen et ass wirklech e Minimum , he ? [ I find it quite normal . That you at least know a bit of Luxembourgish , if you want that nationality . A minimum , yeah ? I also ...
ech wees from
... Ech wees name as " prior prioratuum de Pluschardyn et Urcharde " A Charter ** confirming the possession of Kildon , in to inform Forre has be 2 the he 05 . is , now designated simply " William , Prior of the Monastery Andrew of ...
ech wees from
... ech wees et net ze soen ' was in honour of the Virgin Mary . László came to my rescue , as he always did , and got hold of the church hymnal . By playing his clarinet very slowly , he made a recording of each hymn so that I would ...
ech wees from
... ech dech fürwohr . " Off Weire wächst fe 4 Kersche , Off Desteln wächst ken Klee , Drem , allerliebstes Schäßche , Nehm ech dech nimmermeh . " " Hopp Kotterleis , hopp Kotterleis . Hopp Kotterleis , 5 hopp Kotterleis ! Ech wees a ...
ech wees from
... ech enzeg war .. ས་ Ech wees wuol , sot dè Kinnek , A reecht dem Renert d'Hand ; ' T fehlt nemmen um Gefill iech , Mä teemol um Verstand . A sicht dir de zwô Saachen Gehöreg ze verbannen , Da wierd et sech schung maachen : De Räscht ...
ech wees from
... ech holen . Das Thierjagen . ( Ahr und Umgegend . ) Lebte ein Ehepaar in fortwährendem Unfrieden und Zank , so wurde ... wees , bat 44 ech wees , Bocks Moscher 45 es en Geesв ; Ech weeß noch eppes mich , 46 Bocks Moscher es e Rich ...
ech wees from
... Ech wees , du wees , e ' wees , mır wessen , dir wesst , sie wessen . Imparf . ech wóss . Cond . ech wösst . Ech wees woihl wat ech sen , ech wees och , wat dir sit . Je sais ce que je suis ; je sais ce que vous êtes . Wat der Deiwel net ...
ech wees from
... ech dech fürwohr . " ,,,, Off Weire wächst ke 4 Kersche , Off Desteln wächst ken Klee , Drem , allerliebstes Schäßche , Nehm ech dech nimmermeh . " " Hopp Kotterleis , hopp Kotterleis . Hopp Kotterleis , 5 hopp Kotterleis ! Ech wees a ...