burgsinn deg from
... Burgsinn , Bütthard , Cadolzburg , Culmbach , Deg- gendorf , Dillingen , Dinkelsbühl , Donauwörth , Ebermannstadt , Edenkoben , Eichstätt , Eltmann , Erlangen , Fechenbach , Feucht , Forchheim , Frankenthal , Freising , Fürth ...
burgsinn deg from
... Burgsinn , Bütthard , Cadolzburg , Culmbach , Deg- gendorf , Dillingen , Dinkelsbühl , Donauwörth , Ebermannstadt , Edenkoben , Eichstätt , Eltmann , Erlangen , Fechenbach , Feucht , Forchheim , Frankenthal , Frei - ing . Fürth ...
burgsinn deg from
... Burgsinn , both of Fed . Rep . of Germany , assignors to Mannesmann Rexroth GmbH , Lohr / Main , Fed . Rep . of ... degree of eccentricity that deter- mines said displacement volume , whereby said piston arrange- ment includes at ...
burgsinn deg from
... Burgsinn gegen die Freiherren v . Thüngen wird die N. W. Ztg . um rachstehende Berichtigung ersucht : Es ist nicht wahr , dak der Proceß der Gemeinde Burgsinn gegen die Freie herren v . Thüngen durch ein Versehen des Anwaltes der ...
burgsinn deg from
Gae irrindigkeit . " " _ geband 285 Bbf Burgsinn 290 Sinnberg Einmaiberg Sinntal Maintal Mühlberg ין 295 300 ... degree of tension can only be used with a new contact wire and only for a limited period . For this reason , the ...
burgsinn deg from
... , Internet : Ew .: 1062 - Fl : 12,00 km2 - S - Nr .: 09-677-116 - VG ... Deg- gendorf - ArbG : Passau , Kammer Deggendorf - AA : Deggendorf - FA : Deggendorf - VA : Deggendorf - Pol ...
burgsinn deg from
... degree Athenai , hon . degree Thessalon .; Member : Acads . of Sofia , Bukarest , Wien , British Acad . , Bruxelles ... Burgsinn / Bavaria ; s . of Valentin D. ( pharmacist ) and Rosa Klemmert ; m . 30 Apr. 1951 Ilse Mayer ; Educ ...
burgsinn deg from
... , Internet : Ew .: 1068 - Fl : 12,00 km2 - S - Nr .: 09-677-116 - VG ... Deg- gendorf - ArbG : Passau , Kammer Deggendorf - AA : Deggendorf - FA : Deggendorf - VA : Deggendorf - Pol ...
burgsinn deg from
... Burgsinn on the other . The property in dispute is only of the value of ৪০০,০০০ marks , about £ 40,000 ... degree . But perhaps the English public will forget all that , and cheer the man who has determined to rule as the ...
burgsinn deg from
... degree here but he has utilized the bass ' capabilities in a creative manner . His fluent bowing skills and sense of ... Burgsinn , West Germany , 7/90 . This German quartet presents a pleasant , at times lightweight , blend of ...