People also ask
What is the meaning of derniere?
What is the difference between derniere and dernier?
What is the meaning of the word "dernier"?
What is the meaning of le dernier?
See also: derniere. French. edit. Adjective. edit. dernière. feminine singular of dernier · Categories: French non-lemma forms · French adjective forms.
Jul 6, 2023 · When dernier comes after the noun, it means the « latest » or most recent one. Here is an example: "La semaine dernière" means "last week" (the ...
Translate "dernière" from French to English, last, pour la dernière fois, dernière mode, à la dernière minute, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and ...
Translations · last, Mod · hindmost, Adj · final, Adj · closing, Adj.
Listen to Dernière danse on Spotify. Song · Indila · 2014.
The French adjective dernier changes meaning according to its position. As an adjective, dernier agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.
“Dernier” is used with masculine singular nouns, while “dernière” is used with feminine singular nouns.
I have checked the exercise and both 'l'an dernier' and 'l'année dernière' are accepted as correct so there might be glitch somewhere in the system.